Take a random sample of documents of the specified size from a corpus, with or without replacement, optionally by grouping variables or with probability weights.

corpus_sample(x, size = ndoc(x), replace = FALSE, prob = NULL, by = NULL)



a corpus object whose documents will be sampled


a positive number, the number of documents to select; when used with by, the number to select from each group or a vector equal in length to the number of groups defining the samples to be chosen in each category of by. By defining a size larger than the number of documents, it is possible to oversample when replace = TRUE.


if TRUE, sample with replacement


a vector of probability weights for obtaining the elements of the vector being sampled. May not be applied when by is used.


optional grouping variable for sampling. This will be evaluated in the docvars data.frame, so that docvars may be referred to by name without quoting. This also changes previous behaviours for by. See news(Version >= "2.9", package = "quanteda") for details.


a corpus object (re)sampled on the documents, containing the document variables for the documents sampled.


# sampling from a corpus
summary(corpus_sample(data_corpus_inaugural, size = 5))
#> Corpus consisting of 5 documents, showing 5 documents:
#>           Text Types Tokens Sentences Year President      FirstName      Party
#>      1909-Taft  1437   5821       158 1909      Taft William Howard Republican
#>      1845-Polk  1334   5186       153 1845      Polk     James Knox       Whig
#>      1989-Bush   795   2674       141 1989      Bush         George Republican
#>  1841-Harrison  1896   9125       210 1841  Harrison  William Henry       Whig
#>     1797-Adams   826   2577        37 1797     Adams           John Federalist
summary(corpus_sample(data_corpus_inaugural, size = 10, replace = TRUE))
#> Corpus consisting of 10 documents, showing 10 documents:
#>               Text Types Tokens Sentences Year  President     FirstName
#>  1953-Eisenhower.1   900   2743       119 1953 Eisenhower     Dwight D.
#>      1985-Reagan.1   925   2909       123 1985     Reagan        Ronald
#>        2001-Bush.1   621   1806        97 2001       Bush     George W.
#>  1957-Eisenhower.1   621   1907        92 1957 Eisenhower     Dwight D.
#>   1933-Roosevelt.1   743   2057        85 1933  Roosevelt   Franklin D.
#>     1993-Clinton.1   642   1833        81 1993    Clinton          Bill
#>    1841-Harrison.1  1896   9125       210 1841   Harrison William Henry
#>        2001-Bush.2   621   1806        97 2001       Bush     George W.
#>   1885-Cleveland.1   676   1816        44 1885  Cleveland        Grover
#>    1889-Harrison.1  1352   4721       157 1889   Harrison      Benjamin
#>       Party
#>  Republican
#>  Republican
#>  Republican
#>  Republican
#>  Democratic
#>  Democratic
#>        Whig
#>  Republican
#>  Democratic
#>  Republican

# sampling with by
corp <- data_corpus_inaugural
corp$century <- paste(floor(corp$Year / 100) + 1)
corp$century <- paste0(corp$century, ifelse(corp$century < 21, "th", "st"))
corpus_sample(corp, size = 2, by = century) |>
#> Corpus consisting of 8 documents, showing 8 documents:
#>             Text Types Tokens Sentences Year  President   FirstName
#>       1797-Adams   826   2577        37 1797      Adams        John
#>  1793-Washington    96    147         4 1793 Washington      George
#>      1817-Monroe  1040   3677       121 1817     Monroe       James
#>       1873-Grant   552   1472        43 1873      Grant  Ulysses S.
#>     1997-Clinton   773   2436       111 1997    Clinton        Bill
#>   1933-Roosevelt   743   2057        85 1933  Roosevelt Franklin D.
#>       2017-Trump   582   1660        88 2017      Trump   Donald J.
#>       2009-Obama   938   2689       110 2009      Obama      Barack
#>                  Party century
#>             Federalist    18th
#>                   none    18th
#>  Democratic-Republican    19th
#>             Republican    19th
#>             Democratic    20th
#>             Democratic    20th
#>             Republican    21st
#>             Democratic    21st
# needs drop = TRUE to avoid empty interactions
corpus_sample(corp, size = 1, by = interaction(Party, century, drop = TRUE), replace = TRUE) |>
#> Corpus consisting of 10 documents, showing 10 documents:
#>             Text Types Tokens Sentences Year  President   FirstName
#>       1797-Adams   826   2577        37 1797      Adams        John
#>  1793-Washington    96    147         4 1793 Washington      George
#>   1893-Cleveland   821   2125        58 1893  Cleveland      Grover
#>   1805-Jefferson   804   2380        45 1805  Jefferson      Thomas
#>     1861-Lincoln  1075   3999       135 1861    Lincoln     Abraham
#>        1845-Polk  1334   5186       153 1845       Polk  James Knox
#>   1933-Roosevelt   743   2057        85 1933  Roosevelt Franklin D.
#>     1921-Harding  1169   3719       148 1921    Harding   Warren G.
#>       2013-Obama   814   2317        88 2013      Obama      Barack
#>        2001-Bush   621   1806        97 2001       Bush   George W.
#>                  Party century
#>             Federalist    18th
#>                   none    18th
#>             Democratic    19th
#>  Democratic-Republican    19th
#>             Republican    19th
#>                   Whig    19th
#>             Democratic    20th
#>             Republican    20th
#>             Democratic    21st
#>             Republican    21st

# sampling sentences by document
corp <- corpus(c(one = "Sentence one.  Sentence two.  Third sentence.",
                 two = "First sentence, doc2.  Second sentence, doc2."),
               docvars = data.frame(var1 = c("a", "a"), var2 = c(1, 2)))
corpus_reshape(corp, to = "sentences") %>%
    corpus_sample(replace = TRUE, by = docid(.))
#> Corpus consisting of 5 documents and 2 docvars.
#> one.2 :
#> "Third sentence."
#> one.3 :
#> "Third sentence."
#> one.1 :
#> "Sentence one."
#> two.2 :
#> "Second sentence, doc2."
#> two.1 :
#> "First sentence, doc2."

# oversampling
corpus_sample(corp, size = 5, replace = TRUE)
#> Corpus consisting of 5 documents and 2 docvars.
#> two.1 :
#> "First sentence, doc2.  Second sentence, doc2."
#> two.2 :
#> "First sentence, doc2.  Second sentence, doc2."
#> one.1 :
#> "Sentence one.  Sentence two.  Third sentence."
#> one.2 :
#> "Sentence one.  Sentence two.  Third sentence."
#> one.3 :
#> "Sentence one.  Sentence two.  Third sentence."