Get or set the object metadata in a corpus, tokens, dfm, or dictionary object. With the exception of dictionaries, this will be corpus-level metadata.

meta(x, field = NULL, type = c("user", "object", "system", "all"))

meta(x, field = NULL) <- value



an object for which the metadata will be read or set


metadata field name(s); if NULL (default), return all metadata names


"user" for user-provided corpus-level metadata; "system" for metadata set automatically when the corpus is created; or "all" for all metadata.


new value of the metadata field


For meta, a named list of the metadata fields in the corpus.

For meta <-, the corpus with the updated user-level metadata. Only user-level metadata may be assigned.


#> $description
#> [1] "Transcripts of all inaugural addresses delivered by United States Presidents, from Washington 1789 onward.  Data compiled by Gerhard Peters."
#> $source
#> [1] "Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley. The American Presidency Project."
#> $url
#> [1] ""
#> $author
#> [1] "(various US Presidents)"
#> $keywords
#> [1] "political"     "US politics"   "United States" "presidents"   
#> [5] "presidency"   
#> $title
#> [1] "US presidential inaugural address speeches"
meta(data_corpus_inaugural, "source")
#> [1] "Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley. The American Presidency Project."
meta(data_corpus_inaugural, "citation") <- "Presidential Speeches Online Project (2014)."
meta(data_corpus_inaugural, "citation")
#> [1] "Presidential Speeches Online Project (2014)."